For this purpose, DB2 provides another input function, db2-fn: sqlquery, to invoke an SQL query from within XQuery. 为此,DB2提供了另外一个输入函数db2-fn:sqlquery,以便在XQuery中调用SQL查询。
Let's write an input function to get the relevant lines from the file. 让我们编写一个输入函数来从文件中读取相应的行。
It then returns an implementation of OnClickListener, where that interface's onClick method is implemented by simply applying the input function f to the View parameter. 然后,它返回OnClickListener的一个实现,在这个实现中,该接口的onClick方法被实现为将输入函数f应用到View参数。
The full-text search expression is expressed in an SQL context, and the relevant XML documents are processed in the XQuery context using the db2-fn: sqlquery() input function. 全文搜索表达式在SQL上下文中表达,相关的XML文档在XQuery上下文中使用db2-fn:sqlquery()输入函数进行处理。
A LCD Driver Circuit with Key Input Function Design 一个带按键功能的LCD驱动电路设计
Experimental results show that the average recognition rate of this scheme is99.3% which can well realize3D space mouse input function and the keyboard function. 实验结果表明,该方案的平均识别率达到99.3%,能较好地实现3D空间的鼠标输入功能和键盘输入功能。
Dormitory Management System based on JSP main features include: can the student dormitories information input function, modify the function, delete function. 基于JSP学生宿舍管理系统的主要功能包括:可以实现对学生宿舍信息的录入功能,修改功能,删除功能。
In this paper we summarize LC values in several tissue and the method to calculation them, and introduce several simple method to get input function. 重点介绍了几种组织中的LC值以及LC的计算方法。另外,还介绍了几种获取输入函数的简化方法。
Apparent ages of groundwater are calculated by the input function of CFCs. 利用CFC输入函数对地下水表观年龄进行了计算。
The tracking problem for a class of uncertain chaotic systems with dead-zone nonlinearity in the input function is considered in this paper. 研究了一类具有死区非线性输入的不确定混沌系统的控制问题。
The dynamics problems of the driving system of hydraulic winding machine, the winder rope system and container are all studied. Wave discrete method is used to solve the input function of the hydraulic driving system that is fitting to passengers. 研究了液压提升机驱动系统、提升机绳系和容器的动力学问题,应用波动离散反演方法,求解了适宜人的液压驱动系统的激励函数;
When parameters of the input of a large scale system deviate, its approximate reduced order model can be obtained by using the asymptotic expansion of the input function. 当大系统的输入函数的初始参数发生偏离时,其最优简化模型的近似模型可以利用输入函数的渐近展开得到。
To bring about precision survey of frequency to utilize the high speed input function of the chip DSP; 利用DSP的高速输入功能,实现了频率的精确测量;
In this paper the total factor input function and the total factor productivity function were obtained by using mathematical method, and some problems concerning application were discussed. 本文用数学方法得出了全要素投入函数和全要素生产率函数,并对有关应用问题进行了讨论。
This system adopt the Browser/ Server system structure pattern, and suggests the modularization designs thought of archives management, which was divided into archive catalogue input function, archive catalogue management function, archive inquiry and retrieval function and users management function. 本系统采用Browser/Server体系结构模式,提出了档案管理模块化设计思想。系统按功能分为档案目录录入模块、档案目录管理模块、查询检索模块和用户管理模块。
Taking the flexible collocation of the switching variable input function to be as an example in this paper, the author explained the features of open-type protection, presented internal data bus concept and how to use it to construct relay protection open-platform. 本文以开关量输入功能的灵活配置为例,阐述了开放式保护的特点;提出了内部数据总线的概念,以及如何用内部数据总线构筑继电保护开放平台;
Based upon the description of the logic function of MSI counter, this paper proposes an analytic method by using the state triggering matrix and the state transition matrix to obtain each input function. 本文在MSI计数器逻辑功能描述的基础上,提出了利用状态触发矩阵及状态转移矩阵求取各输入函数的解析方法。
Lumped constant and input function in quantitative analysis of glucose metabolism~ ( 18) F-FDG image ~(18)F-FDG图像糖代谢定量分析中的输入函数及集总常数
In this paper, the improve ment of the snake-like robot's serpentine input function for realizing its head raising motion is presented, and the dynamic model for raising motion is established to analyze the torques contributing to the motion. 本文将蛇形曲线的蜿蜒运动步伐函数作适当改进后应用到蛇形机器人的抬头运动中,实现了蛇形机器人的动态抬头规划,并建立了动力学方程,对抬头运动的动力学作了分析。
Design method of variable size character input function is discussed in this paper from the viewpoint of image displaying. 从点阵图像显示的角度出发,介绍了图形模式下可变大小的中西文字符输入函数的实现方法。
An Application of the Input Function Observer in the Control of Laser Beam Focus 输入观测器在激光焦点位置控制系统中的应用
Through inducting function orthogonal basis into input space, input function can be expanded under the orthogonal basis and aggregation operation process can be simplified by using the orthogonality of basis function. 在输入空间中引入函数正交基,将输入函数在正交基下展开,利用基函数的正交性,简化聚合运算过程。
Therefore, a method of code automation includes report display and input function has been bringing forward in this paper. 因此,本文提出了一种自动生成包括报表显示和输入功能代码的方法。
Due to existing defects of data input function in Language C. The article gives the improved data input function and tell its design ′ s way. 针对C语言提供的数据输入标准函数存在的缺陷,给出了改进后的数据输入函数,并简述了其设计方法。
Study on Servo Control System Tracking Arbitrary Input Function 伺服控制系统跟踪任意输入函数的研究
The configuration of M-P neuron model composing artificial neural network ( ANN), the relationship between output and input function, and conventional training rule ― BP network in ANN are elaborated. 阐述了构成人工神经网络(ANN)的M-P神经元模型的结构、输出输入的函数关系及人工神经网络中最常用的学习规则&BP网络。
The Total Factor Input Function and the Total Factor Productivity Function 全要素投入函数与全要素生产率函数
Prototype system of science and technology includes: input management module to implement input function; 企业档案的原型系统包括:录入管理模块,用于实现企业档案的录入功能;
In the virtual roaming on key technologies on the basis of the establishment of the function of the camera, Scene model input function category and type of data model, improve the functions of the procedures, and optimize the structure of the procedure. 2. 在研究虚拟漫游关键技术的基础上,建立了摄像机函数类、场景模型输入函数类和模型数据类,完善了程序功能,优化了程序结构。
Local client with query and input function real-time displays breeding parameters, at the same time upload data to data center server. 本地客户端实时显示养殖参数,具备查询和录入功能,同时将数据上传到服务器数据中心。